10 Boomer Parenting Tactics That Still Make Millennials Cringe

Helicopter Parenting

Constantly hovering over every aspect of their child's life, even into adulthood.

Strict Curfews

Imposing rigid curfew times, limiting social activities for young adults.

Tough Love Approach

Believing in a "sink or swim" philosophy without offering much emotional support.

Pressure to Follow Traditions

Insisting on adhering strictly to traditional values and lifestyles.

Technology Ignorance

Lack of understanding or reluctance to adapt to modern technology.

Career Expectations

Pressuring children to pursue specific careers instead of allowing personal choice.

Limited Emotional Expression

Holding conservative views on issues like gender roles and LGBTQ+ acceptance.

Parental Control Software

Using intrusive monitoring tools on children's devices even when they are adults.

Financial Dependency

Expecting adult children to rely heavily on parental financial support.

Non-Inclusive Attitudes

Holding conservative views on issues like gender roles and LGBTQ+ acceptance.

10 Boomer Parenting Tactics That Still Make Millennials Cringe